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Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is a technique to get good ranking of website, page, blog, video or any content on the SERP (Search engine result page) and bringing Unpaid, Natural, Free or Organic traffic to a website or any targeted page. In simple language SEO is a strategy to get good results and ranking on search engine for a specific keyword without paying for advertisement. Optimization of any content on Search engines (e.g Google, Yahoo, bing etc) involves ensuring our contents/website meets all the algorithm governing search engine for ranking any website/content on the first page of the search result. For increasing organic traffic to a website, SEO is must.

For better SEO implementation, we need to understand the algorithm of the crawler of the search engine. The website should be optimized such that the search engine understands the content and thereby indexing the page/content on the SERP. Also, the technical terms involved in the process should be understood first:-

  • Index – Google or any search engine indexes a page of a website when it fetches and reads the content.
  • Crawl – This is the method used by the search engine crawler for finding new or updated content. This work is performed by the search engine using automated software which as generically called as search engine bots e.g Googlebots.

Key Points

SEO can be classified into two types:-

  • On-page SEO.
  • Off-page SEO.

On-page SEO

This is within the boundary of website, means every changes to be done will be implemented within the internal ambit of the website. It involves publishing the content on our website that meets the intended requirement of the visitors. This SEO technique follows a MIRROR technique, means when u look at the mirror and u don’t find yourself the way u want to look then u would try different things. The same applies to the website if the visitor doesn’t find the needed information, products, contents, videos etc on the website then there is a little chance that u could retain the traffic. The user will switch to your competitor website which is what you don’t want to happen. Same applies for the search engines, if some user search for a keyword and the crawler goes through the website without finding the intended keyword result then that’s not helping the cause. To avoid the above problem and to get better SERP ranking on-page SEO should be done with utmost care.

Some of the on-page SEO techniques and strategies involved are:-

1. Use target keywords relevant to the content in <title> tag within the <head> tag in the html document. 2. Use <h1> tag or <strong> tag in the html code to bold the keywords use in the description ta get better SERP rankings. 3. Use synonyms of the keyword or the words similar to that for better on page SEO. 4. Use unique title for each page so that google can crawl all tha pages individually and index them on the SERP. 5. Use of description meta tags to input all the information about the content of the page, the description can be of one line or can contain a complete paragraph. This help google get the snippet of the match the visitor are searching for on the search engine. 6. Use of alt attribute in the <img> tag of the html, this informs the search engine about the description of the image, because crawler cannot decipher the image code.


Digital Marketing Expert-dimx established in 2016, since then it is one of India's leading agency in providing digital marketing consultancy. We provide solution covering SEO, SMM, SMO, CRO, Email Marketing and website development. For increasing ROI of your company you can join hands with us and skyrocket your growth with our highly skilled and vastly experienced team.

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